The skin around the eyes requires more care and attention than the rest of your face. Why? Because it’s thinner, more fragile and the first to show signs of aging, like dullness and fine lines that can lead to deeper-set wrinkles. Despite its delicate condition, many of us skip this vital step and treat under-eyes with the last dabs of whatever facial cream or serum we’ve got in our skincare arsenal. But this is counterproductive: formulas not designed for this specific area of the face will sit on the skin, resulting in wastage, and could even leave it vulnerable to damage, irritation and conditions such as milia – those small hard-to-remove white bumps that appear when a cream is too rich.

We’re here to tell you that your most delicate contour deserves more. Here are some top tips to find the perfect eye cream for you, along with easy tricks to make it go the extra mile.

Ingredients to Look Out For

The first port of call is to decide what your eye contour concerns are, and from there find ingredients that target them. Ask yourself: does it need an energizing boost? If so, invest in a caffeine-infused formula. A little brightening? Seek niacinamide. Soothing? Opt for natural, nurturing extracts. Hydration? You’ll love hyaluronic acid.

If in doubt, Talika’s Eye Detox Gel is the perfect catch-all, addressing a multitude of concerns with its gentle yet effective, 95% plant-powered formula. Within it, you’ll find…

  • Chromadetox (Natural brown algae extract): Talika’s signature ingredient is the key to reducing the look of puffiness and dark circles in no time. It quickly absorbs into the skin to stimulate drainage and limit the oxidation of blood pigments that cause blue tones and reduce redness. 
  • Caffeine & Adenosine: Perfect for fatigued under-eyes in need of a morning pick-me-up, these two ingredients work like a cup of coffee to help energize the skin’s surface while toning, tightening and smoothing dehydration lines, so eyes look as if they’ve had their full eight hours. 
  • Hyaluronic acid: This must-have ingredient is like a glass of water for the under-eyes, aiding elasticity and contributing to hydrated, fresh, healthy-looking skin. No surprise as to why it’s one of beauty’s most beloved ingredients, when it holds up to 1000 times its weight in water.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide): Consider this ingredient your ultimate brightener whenever under-eyes show signs of dullness. It also helps to prevent premature signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles that over time become more prominent crow’s feet.
  • Soothing plant extracts: An eye contour showing signs of redness and irritation will soak up the soothing benefits of natural ingredients such as cornflower floral water, which also works to restore hydration.

How to Apply

Use a Pea-sized Amount

Eye creams are usually lightweight and packed with gentle yet hard-working ingredients – they’re highly concentrated, so a little goes a long way. Our advice? A pea-sized amount is perfect for both eyes. 

A Gentle Touch Is Best 

The delicate under-eyes require an application method that’s equally delicate: as a general rule of thumb, use your ring finger to lightly dab the product into the skin, being careful to avoid tugging. Mature skin types with less elasticity will benefit from a soft patting motion to aid absorption, while skins with more elasticity can use gentle, circular motions – starting from the under-eyes to the inner corner, then upwards to the brow bone. This will also double as a depuffing lymphatic massage. 

Wait Before Applying Other Products: 

Wait patiently and your chosen eye cream will have maximum opportunity to absorb into the skin, so its ingredients can really get to work. Once absorbed, makeup products such as concealer will apply seamlessly and won’t settle into fine lines.

When to Apply

Most eye creams should be applied twice a day as part of your AM and PM ritual, and the results usually get better with consistent application. But we know that time isn’t always on our side and, if a skincare step is to be skipped, it’s most likely to be the eye cream. 

Whatever you do, make PM eye-care a priority. Skip AM application, if you really have to drop one. This is because the skin goes into repair mode while we sleep, so we’re guaranteed to get the most out of our eye cream throughout this restorative time.

That being said, if you have a caffeine-infused formula or one to brighten tired-looking under-eyes, you may want to leave that for the morning, when you’ll need it most! 

Where Does It Fit Into Your Routine?

Generally, your eye cream should go after your serum and before your moisturizer, but if in doubt, check the product packaging.

When to Start Using Eye Cream

The body’s natural collagen (the protein that creates plump, bouncy skin) stores deplete in our 20s. As a result, the skin begins to show first signs of aging: lines, wrinkles, loss of elasticity and crepey, dull-looking under-eyes.

This means your 20s are the perfect time to start using an eye cream, as prevention is better than cure – but if you’re late to the eye-care game, that’s not to say you won’t see benefits if you were to start now!


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